Director - Editor - Cinematographer
My Dads, My Moms and Me

My Dads, My Moms and Me

My Dads, My Moms and Me

2019, IN POST-PRODUCTION  52 and 75 min tentative release spring 2019


Created thanks to Storyhive 100K Edition, the funding initiative byTelus.

Ten years ago, I filmed the children of gay fathers in the documentary Fatherhood Dreams. They were the first generation after same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada. Iā€™d like to return to these seven children a decade later in an attempt to find unbiased answers to questions that continue to be relevant: To what extent the upbringing in non-traditional families impacts a child? Have societal outlooks on non-traditional family structures changed in Canada since 2003? Ultimately, we will give viewers an unprecedented chance to observe ten years progressions in several families. Fatherhood Dreams was a non-political, character-driven film, shot and edited for the mainstream viewership; the new film will be made with the same mainstream audience and character-driven attitude in mind.